Milford Cargo Barriers


Milford Cargo Barriers are specially designed, tested and manufactured in Australia, in accordance with the Australian Standard for Cargo Barriers, AS4034, to provide the ultimate protection under the most demanding driving conditions. We offer a custom designed range of more than 300 Cargo Barriers to suit all types of passenger, light commercial, 4WD and sports utility vehicles.

Many of the quality Cargo Barriers in the Milford Passenger Car range are designed to fit in more than one position and include a Milbolt or quick release mechanism for quick and easy movement. So when you need to fold down your rear seats for more space, your user-friendly barrier simply moves forward its new position, behind the front seats.

Most of our Cargo Barriers can be moved by hand, making it simple to remove for quick access or reposition the barrier to accommodate a larger load. Our Cargo Barriers also feature openings so that the upper anchorage straps of childrens’ car seats can be safely secured to the original vehicle mounts.


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